1 August 2015

From The Studio: Decisions, decision...

Last week we let you have a little behind the scenes look at our re-branding photoshoot and now that it is over and done with we have the lovely task of narrowing down the pictures to a small selection to use for our new website. Would you believe that in a 3 hour period or photographer took nearly 1000 photos?! We certainly did a double take when the contact sheet came through! We have managed to cut that down to a lovely 100 so far but this week and next week is going to be where we finalise them and get them sent off for final edits and touch ups.

The images are going to play a central part of our new website which we are also in the process of designing up and should show of our new brand image quite well... we hope! Our current website - iconemesis.co.uk - is great but we can't wait to show you this new fashion forward sleek look that we have been developing.

Also, our scarves are nearly ready! We have quality checked them and now we are just waiting for the first batch to arrive back from the factory, we might let you have a little look at them when they arrive or we may wait until the website relaunches... stay tuned!


  1. By and by, I realize that the only approach I can use to make choices in the studio is by relying on intuition. The balance between the creativity and the more realistic approach is very important and especially in my case because I am a synopsis writer online. It is just about having direction and making choices that are headed in that direction.

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  3. Harper & Blake has the most tasteful pieces I have seen! Being a person that collaborates with an HP Distributor In Dubai, I find it appealing that their accessories make tech devices look even better. Their products are perfect combination of fashion and functionality.

  4. it’s exciting to hear about the progress on your re-branding and new website! I can only imagine how difficult it must be to narrow down the photos from 1000 to just 100 – but it sounds like it’s going to be worth it! I love that you’re putting so much thought into every detail. By the way, with all the changes happening, I’m in need of some help with my assignments. It’s been tough balancing work and studies, so if anyone has suggestions for someone who can write my college assignment for me, please let me know. Can’t wait to see the final website and those scarves – they sound amazing!
